Special Manpower Development Program in VLSI Design & Related Software Phase-I (SMDP-I)

  1. Major elements of the program were:
    1. Establishing of VLSI Design Laboratory.
    2. Training of Laboratory Technicians.
    3. Instruction Enhancement Program (IEP) for faculties of Pls.
    4. Development of Learning Materials (LMs).
    5. Teaching on VLSI Design & related software at B.E./B.Tech Level, ME/M.Tech in the areas of Electronics/Communications, Computer Science/Instrumentation etc, ME/M.Tech in VLSI Design and Microelectronics and Ph.D in various aspects of VLSI Design and CAD.

  2. Project Details:
    • Total Outlay: Rs. 14.99 Crores
    • Duration- 7 Years (1998-2005)
    • Implementing Organizations:
      1. 7 Resource Centers (Including 5 IITs, IISc Bangalore and CEERI Pilani)
      2. 12 Participating Institutes (All NITs established till 2005 and some Government academic institutions including new IITs)

  3. Project Outcomes:
    Specialized Manpower were trained at Post Graduate and Doctoral levels to generate key catalyst in area of Microelectronics in the country. A total number of 9349 students were trained at various levels under this programme:
    Type Number
    Type-I : M.S (Research)/ Ph.D in VLSI Design
    Type-II : M.Tech in VLSI Design
    Type-III: M.Tech (others with atleast 2 VLSI Courses)
    Type-IV: B.Tech (with atleast 2 VLSI Courses)